Popular destination:
Plan a trip to Bulgaria? Alone, with family, with friends or for work? We offer transportation to anywhere in Bulgaria, for any company at good prices.
Why Us:
- Fixed prices per kilometer
- Not require CREDIT CARD details
- You can pay in cash at the end of transfer or online
- You can pay in currency that you prefer
- No prepayment
- Free cancellation of reservation
- We will meet you at the airport with nameplate
- We always check the schedule and will be at the airport in time
- Free child seats
- We accept reservations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
“VW Sharan” or similar
You are no more than 4 people, you have a small baggage and you need quickly get from the airport to the hotel? You can choose a transfer by car. We carry out transfers from and to all airports in Bulgaria and neighboring countries.
“Mercedes-Benz Viano” or similar
Do you need a transfer from the airport for a big company or a family, or you have large luggage? At your disposal our minivans up to 6 people. Our driver will pick you up at any airport in Bulgaria, help you with your baggage and safely do transfer at competitive prices.
You have an important event? Birthday, anniversary or other important date? Or you want to organize an unforgettable party, walk around the Sofia city or a transfer from the Sofia airport? We will gladly provide you our limousines for various events.